Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I'm not sure how this happened, but meeting you and growing close to you has been one of the most healing experiences that i've been blessed with in a long time. I feel comfortable and secure around you... something that doesn't happen often. You make me laugh and bring out the best in me. The way you help people and genuinely care inspires me. The random phone calls and sms's you send makes my day a little brighter. You don't know this, but your mere presence has helped me through a very dark time. Thank you. mwah.

SOTD: In Praise of the Vulnerable Man - Alanis

You are the bravest man I’ve ever met
You unreluctant at treacherous ledge

You are the sexiest man I’ve ever been with
You, never hotter than with armor spent

When you do what you do to provide
How you land in the soft as you fortify

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won’t you lead the rest of your cavalry home

You, with your eyes mix strength with abandon
You with your new kind of heroism

And I bow and I bow down to you
To the grace that it takes to melt on through

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won’t you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man

You are the greatest man I’ve ever met
You the stealth setter of new precedents

And I vow and I vow to be true
And I vow and I vow to not take advantage

This is in praise of the vulnerable man
Why won’t you lead the rest of your cavalry home
This is a thank you for letting me in
Indeed in praise of the vulnerable man

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