Sunday, August 19, 2007

another angry one

*takes trying to be upbeat, scrunches it up and chucks it out the window*


i have tried fucking hard in the last four months to maintain a civil relationship with you. not for your sake, not for mine, but for someone more important than us both. and believe me, at times it's fucking difficult.

but last night that was blown out the water. you and your rabid half-man-half-she-dog of a friend have successfully destroyed every part of me that wanted to have some form of friendship with you. your lack of respect and completely inappropriate behavior astounds me.

and what astounds me even more is that you have just been here and acted like everything was fine.

one last thing. i don't care if you think the people i hang out with are boring or whatever. compared to the years of amateur dramatics i put up with from you, they're a refreshing change.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Here... have some karma

I know i shouldn't get any pleasure out of people dying. Actually, what i feel isn't pleasure so much as the feeling that the universe finally got it right...

Puppy killer dies in accident
Johannesburg - The man who caused a countrywide uproar after using a chainsaw to cruelly behead his husky puppy earlier this year, died in a car accident over the weekend.

Phillip Matthysen, 31, rolled his vehicle in the early hours of Sunday morning and died on the scene.

Sergeant Marinda Scholtz said Matthysen was apparently en route to his smallholding in Sundra, Mpumalanga, when his black Toyota Land Cruiser overturned and he was thrown out of the vehicle.

The accident occurred in the early hours of Sunday on the R50 route to Delmas, near Rietfontein.

No witnesses According to him it was difficult to say if Matthysen had died instantly, or only later. His body was taken to Bronkhorstspruit mortuary where a post-mortem will be held to determine the exact cause of death.

Matthysen caused an uproar in June when Beeld reported that he’d used a chainsaw to behead his still-living Siberian husky.

When he was sentenced in July for animal abuse, the marketing consultant said in an affidavit that he had used a petrol-driven chainsaw to saw the dog’s head off "during a fit of fury". This was after the four-month-old dog had chewed through the electrical cable of his security gate and killed an exotic macaw parrot.

I hope he suffered more than that poor dog did.

here, have some karma mother fucker.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thank You

Carrying on with my "trying to be more upbeat and positive" thing:

Thank you to all those people who feel the need to talk about my life. really. you make me realise that you clearly find me interesting and worthy of your meaningless gossip.

I'm flattered that of the millions of things you could choose to talk about, you choose little old me.

BUT. come on folks. please, try to at least be accurate when spreading the details of my life far and wide. the real thing is probably not as entertaining as the half truths you are scattering about, but at least that won't get anyone hurt.

So go ahead... talk away, but please do a fact check first


Monday, August 6, 2007

something brighter

i'm in an unexplainable good mood right now... totally unrelated to any drug or alcohol consumption.

so on this positive note... things that make me happy:

shopping today. nothing like retail therapy!!

bar one cake. it's the official sh1t.

my theater family.

my sanity sponsor.

the last harry potter book. thank gods it rocks. fitting end to the series. RIP dobby

random sms conversations that get me through long days at work

facebook. it's like being back at high school... except you can delete the people that really annoy you!!

song for the day:
always look on the bright side of life

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Speaking of Chocolate

A very wise woman said today that really good chocolate is better than sex.

right now i'm inclined to agree... hell, chocolate is better than men. fullstop.

think about it:

chocolate is constant. if you buy a bar of chocolate today and it's really good, when you eat the same type of chocolate tomorrow... it'll be just as good as the first one. sadly, not so with sex.

chocolate doesn't forget to phone, doesn't forget your birthday, doesn't come home at 4am stinking of rum and try to stick it in, even though it can't see straight.

if your friend eats your chocolate, that's ok, you can just buy another one!!

so here's three cheers for the makers of good chocolate!