Sunday, August 19, 2007

another angry one

*takes trying to be upbeat, scrunches it up and chucks it out the window*


i have tried fucking hard in the last four months to maintain a civil relationship with you. not for your sake, not for mine, but for someone more important than us both. and believe me, at times it's fucking difficult.

but last night that was blown out the water. you and your rabid half-man-half-she-dog of a friend have successfully destroyed every part of me that wanted to have some form of friendship with you. your lack of respect and completely inappropriate behavior astounds me.

and what astounds me even more is that you have just been here and acted like everything was fine.

one last thing. i don't care if you think the people i hang out with are boring or whatever. compared to the years of amateur dramatics i put up with from you, they're a refreshing change.

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