Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To All the Idiots...

that insist on sharing my road:
  • indicators are your friend. they may, in fact, prevent me from ramming into you when you decide to change lanes
  • the fast lane is for going fast in. not for you to drive your stupid smelly 16-wheeler truck in at 40km/h while trying to overtake a truck doing 30km/h. if you can't go 120 up a hill, stay out of the bloody fast lane. that goes for taxi's and old ladies too.
  • if you insist on picking up passengers, could you do it where people can a) get around you and b) not on a bloody blind rise or corner. on the same note, would it be too hard to drop your passengers off on the right side of the road so they don't have to dart in front of my car after getting out of your taxi?
  • red means stop asshole. nuff said.
  • as i said. fast lane is for fast drivers. when i'm driving int eh slow lane, it means i don't want to go fast. so don't drive at 140 in the slow lane and flash lights at me. i'll just slow down more
  • oooh and while i'm talking about lights. turn your fucking brights off!
  • stop streets aren't just there for fun. try stopping at them every now and then.
  • residential areas aren't race tracks.

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