Saturday, July 14, 2007

What I've Learnt

This week has been one where i've learnt a lot about life. I don't know why but it's all become very clear in the last couple of days...

Fuckwits will always be fuckwits. There is nothing that can be done for them... I now begin pruning my list of fuckwits.

Real friends are forever. I'd rather have the 5 or 6 brilliant beautiful people around me that i can trust absolutely rather than a large network of kinda sorta mates that bail at the first sign of shit.

People die. there's nothing i can do about it. Accepting it is not the same as forgetting them.

I have a child. Nothing will ever change that. So I've made my peace with the fact things didn't turn out as they were supposed to. Oh well. Deal with it, move on and revel in the squishy, drooly love my daughter lavishes on me.

When all else fails. Weed and Beer.


Barry said...

Well, generally the older you get,the fewer real friends you have.I have more fingers on my left hand than real true friends. Never trust a fart,never waste an erection;believe in karma and know that good weed will always be good weed..!

Unknown said...

>>I now begin pruning my list of fuckwits.

This is beautiful stuff. You are going to have so much fun!!

Tina said...

I know I'm one of the handfull of friends, so my karma must be right!
As for having a beautiful daughter - you are a beautiful mom and a great friend.
Love you